1. Why do we need a Nepali Community Centre ?
The first and foremost reason for a dedicated Nepali Community Centre is to have a venue to provide service specific to Nepali community. Amenities required for life events and festivals of all ethnic groups of Nepal are not readily available.
2. Why do I need to be a member?
This is members based center. Members are needed to fund and manage the center. Greater number of paid members enables the center to access government grants and support. Though being a member is a contribution to the community of today and future generations, members will get membership benefits such as discounted hall hiring fee, rights to set the policies and decide on how the center is run.
3. What is the timeline?
There are few phases as below: Initial phase (2014): Establish an appropriate structure, register the structure, develop a high level roadmap, financial forecast, initial study on govt support, establish fund raising model, establish conceptual design, establish site selection strategy : Complete Second phase: (2015/2016) Raise fund, membership drive: Ongoing Third phase: (2017-2019) Acquire a permanent site to build the ultimate design. In 2019, ANMC bought a parcel of land (15 acres) at 100 Duncan’s Lane, Diggers Rest, VIC 3427. The land was bought by raising funds from the Australian Nepalese residing mainly in Victoria. Fourth phase: (2020-2022) Acquire permission for a place of worship and prepare a master plan. Hume Council has decided to grant planning permission for a place of worship and related activities at 100 Duncans Lanes, Diggers Rest. ANMC has prepared a draft master plan and is in the consultation stage at the moment. Final phase: (ongoing) Continue improving the site and build infrastructure as per master plan.
4. Can we do it? Have we done a feasibility study?
YES. WE CAN if Nepalese community is serious about helping the team who have volunteered their time to realize this dream. High level feasibility study has been done. When it will be done depends on how quick Nepalese community act to support group volunteers working for ANMC.
5. What is the budget?
Detailed cash flow is available by contacting treasurer. This is best answered by talking to one of the volunteers.
6. Where is the site?
ANMC has bought a parcel of land (15 acres) at 100 Duncan’s Lane, Diggers Rest, VIC 3427.
7. What are the types of membership?
Life (Family) : $1500 Life (Individual) :$1100 General / Yearly – Family : $180 General / Yearly Individual: $100
8. How many members are we targeting?
We are aiming to have at much members as possible.
9. What are the membership criteria?
This is open to all.
10. Can we get grants and have collaboration with state and local bodies?
We have already explored few avenues. We have consulted with some local councils , government bodies. We have plans to explore further. It appears the government and local councils will support only the members of the community contribute.
11. How do we ensure transparency and accountability?
We have policy to ensure transparency. Regular reporting to regulatory body and internal audit will ensure transparency. Current team include two accountants with good regulatory requirement on transparency.
12. Will regular updates be provided?
Yes. The regular update will be made available via:
Regular Newsletters
Information sessions
Annual General Assembly
Social Media (Facebook)
Direct phone or email enquiry to ANMC volunteers.